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Product Short Description: Chelating agent, Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor. Scale prevention and corrosion inhibition in water treatment.
Product Description:

HEDP ACID chemical name is Hydroxy Ethylidene -1,1-Diphosphonic acid manufacturer, supplier and exporter. HEDP is  organophosphonate compound which have chemical properties of sequestration, deflocculation, threshold inhibition and hydrolytic stability etc. HEDP is an organophosphoric acid corrosion inhibitor. It can chelate with Fe, Cu, and Zn ions to form stable chelating compounds. It can dissolve the oxidized materials on these metals’ surfaces.

Product Application:
RXSOL-81-8160-250 chemically having wide range of applications including scale prevention and corrosion inhibition in water treatment. 

Hydroxy Ethylidene -1,1-Diphosphonic acid is organophosphonate with multifunctional properties like sequestration, deflocculation, threshold inhibition and hydrolytic stability, as a single active ingredient. Because of the combination of these properties Hydroxy Ethylidene -1,1-Diphosphonic acid has a wide range of applications. One of the most important applications is in scale prevention and corrosion inhibition in water treatment. 
Product Dose:
HEDP is used as chelating agent. The dosage of 1-10mg/L is preferred as scale inhibitor, 10-50mg/L as corrosion inhibitor, and 1000-2000mg/L as detergent. Usually, HEDP is used together with polycarboxylic acid. It is used as a strong chelating agent for metal ions like Ca, Mg & Fe in water treatment, textile applications. Its efficient inhibition for CaCO3 & CaSO4 alone or in combination with low molecular weight polymers. Very effective in protecting metal corrosion. HEDP also having very strong chlorine stability. 
Product Note:

Storage for ten months in room shady and dry place. Safety Protection: Acidity, Avoid contact with eye and skin, once contacted, flush with water. 

HEDP is used as scale and corrosion inhibition in circulating cool water system, oil field and low-pressure boilers in fields such as electric power, chemical industry, metallurgy, fertilizer, etc.. In light woven industry, HEDP is used as detergent for metal and nonmetal. In dyeing industry, HEDP is
used as peroxide stabilizer and dye-fixing agent; In non-cyanide electroplating.
Product Supply Location:

Etidronic acid / HEDP supplier and Exporter in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Ajman.