Categories: RIGS Oil Field-34
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Product Short Description: organic Anti-Scalant for use in closed cooling water systems , for preventing corrosion and scale Formation in Internal combustion engines, compressor cooling system, DG -set at high or low temperature. It is also acts as a corrosion inhibitor ( Protects
Product Description:

Condensor Dispersant Scale Controler is chemical compounds that are dosed in cooling system water to prevent fouling of system due to biological growth such as algae, slimes and bacterial deposits. It helps to remove biofilms that are formed by these micro-organisms, which otherwise are difficult to remove by adding biocides.

By removing Biofilms, Dispersants helps to prevent MIC (Microbiologically Induced Corrosion). Condensor Dispersant Scale Controler  increases the efficacy of other biocides and is completely compatible with all biocides and suitable for plant metallurgy. Condensor Dispersant Scale Controler  reduces the quantity of biocides or microbiocides to be dosed.