Categories: Tank Cleaner-20
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Product Short Description: Alkaline Tank cleaner with FOAM nature , which have high solvency power on soil and oily greasy matter.
Product Description:

Alkaline Tank cleaner with FOAM nature , which have high solvency power on soil and oily greasy matter.  Formulated with properitory superior Heavy duty and highly concentrated  water based alkaline cleaner, containing specially selected detergents and powerful long chain organic syndet ,specific salts with surfactants & wetting agents. It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily  matter & having good foaming qualities. It is free from Hydrocarbon solvents , Biodegradable and minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel in handling materials . Also suitable for TANK CLEANING .It can be used as a general purpose cleaner to remove oil and grease deposits.