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Product Short Description: Detection of hydrogen sulphide production by microorganisms.
Product Description:
The lead acetate procedure is more sensitive than any other method for detecting H2S production. It detects even traces of H2S. H2S is a colourless gas which on contact with lead acetate produces lead sulphide, a black precipitate, indicated by a visible black coloured reaction on the Lead acetate paper strip.
Product Application:

Lead Acetate is an inorganic salt of lead. It is also called plumbous acetate or sugar of lead.Its also soluble in water and glycerine and forms lead trihydrate. Lead acetate is used as in textile printing and hair dyeing.It is also used in cleaning and maintenance of stainless steel firearm suppressors (silencers) and compensators and also has properties which make it a suitable drier in paints and in preparing other lead compounds such as lead nitritate,sulphate and phosphate.

Product Dose:
Lead Acetate Paper strips are sterile filter paper strips impregnated with lead acetate reagent. Certain organisms are capable of enzymatically liberating sulphur from sulphur containing aminoacids or inorganic sulphur compounds. Hydrogen sulphide can be produced in small amounts from sulphur containing amino acids like Cysteine by a large number of bacteria in a carbohydrate media. This test is used mainly for identification and differentiation of organisms like Salmonella species.